#!/bin/sh clock=$(date '+%I') case "$clock" in "00") icon="🕛" ;; "01") icon="🕐" ;; "02") icon="🕑" ;; "03") icon="🕒" ;; "04") icon="🕓" ;; "05") icon="🕔" ;; "06") icon="🕕" ;; "07") icon="🕖" ;; "08") icon="🕗" ;; "09") icon="🕘" ;; "10") icon="🕙" ;; "11") icon="🕚" ;; "12") icon="🕛" ;; esac if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then date "+%b %d (%a) $icon %H:%M" else if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then notify-send "This Month" "$(cal | sed "s/\<$(date +'%e'|tr -d ' ')\>/&<\/span><\/b>/")" && notify-send "Appointments" "$(calcurse -d3)" elif [ "$1" -eq 3 ]; then notify-send "📅 Time/date module" "\- Left click to show upcoming appointments for the next three days via \`calcurse -d3\` and show the month via \`cal\` - Middle click opens calcurse if installed" fi fi