#!/bin/sh # Show a Doppler RADAR of a user's preferred location. secs=600 # Download a new doppler radar if one hasn't been downloaded in $secs seconds. radarloc="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/radar" doppler="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/doppler.gif" getdoppler() { curl -sL https://meteoinfo.ru/hmc-output/rmap/phenomena.gif > "$doppler" ;} showdoppler() { hyprctl dispatch exec "[float; size 800 800;]" "imv \"$doppler\" -H 1200 -W 1200" ;} case $1 in 1) [ $(($(date '+%s') - $(stat -c %Y "$doppler"))) -gt "$secs" ] && getdoppler showdoppler ;; 2) getdoppler && showdoppler ;; 3) notify-send "πŸ—ΊοΈ Doppler RADAR module" "\- Left click for local Doppler RADAR. - Middle click to update RADAR location. After $secs seconds, new clicks will also automatically update the doppler RADAR." ;; 6) hyprctl dispatch exec "kitty -e \"$EDITOR\" \"$0\"" ;; esac [ $(($(date '+%s') - $(stat -c %Y "$doppler"))) -gt "$secs" ] && getdoppler echo πŸŒ