#!/bin/sh # Prints the current volume or 🔇 if muted. case $1 in 1) kitty -e pulsemixer ;; 3) notify-send "📢 Volume module" "\- Shows volume 🔊, 🔇 if muted. - Middle click to mute. - Scroll to change." ;; 6) kitty -e "$EDITOR" "$0" ;; esac vol="$(wpctl get-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@)" # If muted, print 🔇 and exit. [ "$vol" != "${vol%\[MUTED\]}" ] && echo 🔇 && exit vol="${vol#Volume: }" split() { # For ommiting the . without calling and external program. IFS=$2 set -- $1 printf '%s' "$@" } vol="$(printf "%.0f" "$(split "$vol" ".")")" case 1 in $((vol >= 70)) ) icon="🔊" ;; $((vol >= 30)) ) icon="🔉" ;; $((vol >= 1)) ) icon="🔈" ;; * ) echo 🔇 && exit ;; esac echo "$icon $vol%"